


Choose from a vast selection of pre-built exercises or create custom ones to tailor your own library.


Vast library

A wide range of built-in exercises with accompanying media for your immediate use.

Upload your own media

Customize exercises with your own images, videos, or YouTube links to create a comprehensive library.

Precision filter

Easily find exercises in our library with advanced search and filters for equipment, tags, and more.

Expert organized

Each exercise in our system is classified based on its primary focus by fitness experts.

Varied views

Toggle between list and card views for easy navigation and finding what you need.


Create workouts quickly and easily with our lightning-fast, powerful, and user-friendly workout builder, then share them with ease.


Superior tracking fields

Go beyond weight and reps. Provide guidance using RPE, cadence, speed, heart rate and more.

Set configuration

With one click, designate each set as warm-up, drop set, or regular set.


Provide exercises with tempo instructions to enhance your clients' workout experience.

Superset & circuits

Group sets into supersets or circuits by selecting at least two sets to activate the button.

Alternate exercises

Provide a variety of options to challenge clients of all levels or work around any limitations.

Arrange orders

Arrange exercises and sections by dragging and dropping them to your preferred order.

Workout summary

We automatically generate clear and easy-to-understand summaries for each workout you create.

Share & Print workout

Share your workouts effortlessly using a link or download them as a image with a single click.

Lightning fast interface

Streamlined and intuitive, the builder lets you select exercises easily, creating workouts efficiently.


Create personalized on-demand programs for your clients with an intuitive interface that makes plan building easy.


Multi-week plan builder

Easily create multi-week plans and personalize them for each individual with minimal effort.

Copy & paste

We offer copy and paste feature, to make you build program much faster and more efficient.

Program branding

Personalize your programs with a cover image to make them easily recognizable.

Training Logger

Log workouts from your end or allow clients to log directly from theirs, ensuring all training sessions are organized and recorded.

Training Logger

Log from client end

Your clients can log their training using the client app, whether it’s workouts from a schedule, a program, or new training on their own. The app offers a top-notch experience with features like timers, vibration alerts, and more.

Log from trainer end

You can log your clients training from your end using our trainer app, keeping everything under your control. You have the flexibility to pause the training log, perform other tasks, and return to it whenever needed.

Training management

All historical training data is stored and includes an automatically generated summary with details like muscle focus and duration. Both you and your clients can review and edit this information at any time.

Unlimited clients, trainings, services at all plans

No credit card needed, all features during trial


Client management

Efficiently manage client profiles, services, and related files in one comprehensive platform for streamlined operations.

Client management


Summarize clients' total workout time, completed schedules, and more, for a clear overview.

Fitness goals

Monitor and manage clients fitness training goals with customizable options.

Memo hub

Store and access memos like goals, injuries, medical conditions, and equipment preferences in one place.

In-Depth profile

Enhance client profiles with additional details such as emergency contacts and referral sources.


Quickly assign, pause, or cancel memberships for your clients as needed.

Training preference

Effortlessly manage your clients preferred training times, days of the week, and trainers.

File center

Organize all files for easy storage and access. Accepting all formats, this serves as a client vault.

Mark as inactive

Mark clients as inactive if they‘re not training with you for a while, without deleting their profile.

Client engagement

Easily engage with your clients by setting up automated messages, sending forms, and providing them with a client portal.

Client engagement

Automated message

Efficiently communicate with clients using multiple automated messages for various scenarios.

Customizable content

Our rich-text editor lets you customize each automated message to fit your needs.


Insert variables into your messages to save time; they adjust their content based on your settings.

Automation control

Toggle automation on and off as needed, giving you full control over client interactions.

Send forms

Easily send forms to clients with a rich text editor to customize the message at the same time.

Client tracking

Track and monitor clients using a comprehensive set of metrics, progress, adherence, and overall performance.

Client tracking


Capture clients’ essential biometrics like resting heart rate, water intake, body type, and weight.


Monitor your clients body measurements to derive training results directly from this data.


Monitor progress and performance by tracking strength-related metrics like bench press 1RM.


Track conditioning performance by monitoring metrics such as the time taken for a 1-mile run.

Progress photo

Easily track progress with visual snapshots to keep clients accountable and motivated.


Track client nutrition to monitor their food intake and promote healthier dietary choices.

Workout logging

Log clients workouts in the system to assist with correcting form and tracking transformations.

Program progress

Visualize program progress for full control and insight into the training journey.


Monitor workout adherence, ensure client accountability, offer prompt feedback.

Varied chart displays

Three views available: line, list, and bar, aiding in tracking trends and informed decision-making.

Customizable metrics

Add any metric with various value types and units for strength or conditioning performance.

Client App

Track and monitor clients using a comprehensive set of metrics, progress, adherence, and overall performance.

Client App

Log training

Your clients can log their training with the best experience and pause and resume their workouts anytime.

Log & track metrics

Log and track any metrics, including biometric data, strength, conditioning, and circumference.

Training settings

Detailed settings for training timers, sounds, vibrations, and more ensure a personalized experience.

Manage schedules

Interact with schedules, view details such as trainer notes, scheduled workouts, and terms.

View program

Comprehensive details of each assigned program to prepare them for training.

Workouts & exercises

Check workout and exercise details, instructions, and media for optimal training and preparation.

Journal, memo, files

Clients can log their progress photos, upload any files related to training, manage their goals and more.


Your clients can track their overall workout activities and their program progress.

In-Depth profile

Not only basic profile details but also address, phone, emergency contact, training preferences and more.

Notifications for you

Get notified of your clients activities not only on our web platform but also on the trainer app.

Client access settings

Control exactly what can be accessed, edited, and displayed in the client app.

Unlimited clients, trainings, services at all plans

No credit card needed, all features during trial


Form builder

Create any form you want using the fastest and most powerful builder, complete with prebuilt fields and templates.

Form builder

Intake form

Streamline client onboarding with our customizable intake forms, designed to gather essential information.


Track client progress with our convenient check-in feature, ensuring accountability.


Manage client agreements and waivers online, enabling easy electronic signatures.


Gain insights, assessments, and feedback through a comprehensive questionnaire feature.

FitPro templates

We provide expert-designed templates for all forms, saving you time and ensuring a quick start.

Preset fitness fields

Save time with preset questions covering common topics like fitness goals, activity levels, and biometrics.

25+ question types

Over 25 form field types that enable you to collect data in a suitable format and in an organized way.

Full customization

Gain complete control over every aspect of your questions such as adding other options, and more.

Data auto-log

No need for manual entry of form submissions into clients' profiles; we automate this process with just a click.

Data auto-log

Create client

Create a client profile instantly based on intake form submission with just a click, automating the process and storing the info in the client's profile.

Sync check-in data

Sync check-in submissions to client tracking with a single button click, automatically displaying the data in charts for easy visualization.

Save to file center

All forms related to a specific client will be automatically stored in their corresponding file center.

Form operation

Easily share form links, with full control to close or reopen forms, and effortlessly embed forms into your website.

Form operation

Copy & share link

Get a unique link to share your form on social media, expanding your reach.

Close & reopen forms

Close a form to restrict submissions; and can be reopened anytime.

Embed forms to website

Embed custom forms on your website to centralize paperwork online and attract more clients.

Unlimited clients, trainings, services at all plans

No credit card needed, all features during trial


Website builder

Use our website builder to establish a professional and dynamic online presence, attracting more clients.

Website builder

150+ templates

150+ stunning templates, blocks, and elements designed by professionals are available for you to use.

Multiple pages

Manage and build as many pages as you want, including testimonials, about, gallery, all at your fingertips.

Full responsive

Auto-adjust your content to fit all types of devices, ensuring that all blocks and templates are responsive.

Links & redirects

Route traffic to sections, new URLs, Email, or phone calls.


Drag & drop to set preferred order of your content.


Achieve your desired look, customize elements to perfection.

Built-in fonts

Find your favorite fonts from our library.


Precision at fingertips, master dimension, margin and padding.

Fine-Tune typography

Use any font, and adjust everything from alignment to weight.

Color swatches

Update every instance of a color in one edit from background to text.

Lightning publish

Speed of delivery is up to 300% faster with cocast.fit.

Resilient infrastructure

Multi-cloud hosting ensures 99.9999% uptime.

Exclusive domain

Claim you one & only domain for free.

Google analytics

Better understand your site performance.

SEO optimization

Pages optimized for fast performance.

Business marketing

Promote your online training business and attract clients through a collection of digital channels

Business marketing

Social media

Manage your social media in settings and include those on your form link and built website with ease.

Marketing materials

Cocast.fit marketing materials are available to customize for digital or print use: videos, logos, link etc.

Page favicon

Set up the icon of all links or pages on cocast.fit to align with your branding and enhance your business.

Link preview

Customize the cover that appears when your link is shared on social media to elevate brand identity.

Hide Cocast branding

Remove all Cocast.fit branding from the websites created, including forms, workout links, and more.

Unlimited clients, trainings, services at all plans

No credit card needed, all features during trial



Effortlessly manage your calendar and schedule with your clients, including workouts, class & trainer notes in schedules.


Sleek schedule display

Color-code schedules for clear visual organization. Choose colors during schedule creation.

Calendar configuration

Customize calendar settings for your preferred display: adjust view time, zoom, scale, or staff visibility.

Unique filtering system

We offer unparalleled filters with all conditions for easy schedule viewing.

Add trainer’s note

Add notes to schedules for client reminders or instructions, displayed on their portal for reference.

Flexible rescheduling

Effortlessly reschedule appointments to suit your needs and your clients schedules.

Analysis report

Automated schedule reports track business progress, completed schedules, hours, and clients served.

Automated reminder

After confirming a schedule, we automatically send clients a reminder with the schedule info and allow manual resending.

Share calendar detail link

We automatically generate a link for each schedule with all the details and included workouts for easy sharing with your clients.

Calendar integration

Allow your clients to seamlessly integrate shared schedules into their personal calendars for ultimate convenience.

Incorporate workouts

Choose from programmed options for clients with ongoing programs, or select from the full library. Workout details are included in the schedule for easy client access.

Link class to schedule

Link classes to schedules for efficient scheduling, saving time and ensuring a smooth operation. Class terms & conditions are automatically included in schedules.

Schedule status

Update schedule status as unconfirmed, confirmed, finished, or canceled. Completed schedules with programmed workouts calculate client compliance.


Seamlessly handle memberships and classes, streamlining your business operations.


Membership management

Distinguish between memberships to highlight the variety of offerings and easily manage different services.

Class management

Create different classes to align services with client preferences, link classes to schedules.

Terms & conditions

Enhance your services professionally by including terms and conditions using our rich text editor.

Membership status

Easily manage client memberships by assigning, pausing, resuming, or canceling them at any time.

Customized theme

Choose from preset designs or upload your own background to customize your membership theme.

Unlimited clients, trainings, services at all plans

No credit card needed, all features during trial

Business Growth


Easily manage multi-unit businesses with our comprehensive team management and collaboration tools.


Invite team member

Invite team members via email or link to join your business and create their accounts.

Client assignment

Assign clients to trainers to streamline workflow and enhance personalized training.

Role management

You can add, edit, delete, and manage roles to tailor them to your specific business needs.

Role permission

Optimize teamwork with detailed role permissions, granting appropriate access levels for effective teamwork.

Working hours

Manage team shifts, set regular or daily shifts, and sync with the calendar for simplified scheduling.

Management tools

Running your business is a breeze with our cutting-edge, powerful tools and user interface.

Management tools

Multi-units account

Manage multiple units under one account, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency.

Powerful tagging system

Tag everything in our system for easy grouping and quick targeting using our filter system.

Automated reminder

Automated reminders keep your business on track, alerting you to key updates for efficient communication.

Centralized control

Centralized control for all units without multiple accounts - easily switch businesses in one account.

Toggle views

System offers list and card views, allowing you to switch between them based on your preference.

Display formats

Customize the system display settings for time, date format, and currency.

Next-Gen PT Software


Utilize Cocast.fit's advanced trainer
toolkit for exceptional business boost

proved results

Next-Gen software for fitness trainers

Reinventing personal training
Lead your business to the next era

©2024 Cocast Ltd.